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7月22日长生生物再发公告:十分自责和愧疚 将彻底整改药监局表态:已责令长春长生停产 对企业立案调查李克强就疫苗事件作批示:须给人民一个明明白白交代各地反应:山东省去年已制定问题疫苗重新接种计划 但尚未实施鲁中晨报道歉并问责总编辑 曾称淄博没长春长生疫苗

We argued earlier that private manufacturing firms are not the target of Beijing’s‘deleveraging’ policy, and that this sector has already started a new cycle of technology upgrading (see Why deleveraging won’t derail industrial upgrading, 16 April; China’s private sector revs up, 18 July 2017). More policies to encourage on-balance sheet bank lending should support the manufacturing sector’s technological upgrading and innovation. Combined with the implementation of the announced tax incentives for equipment purchasing and R&D, this will likely sustain the expansion in the private corporate sector’s technology-centric investment in the coming years. Sustained growth in private business investment would not only help offset a slowdown in infrastructure investment in the near term, but also lift productivity growth and hence lower the credit intensity of GDP growth in the medium term.



